"I have planted, Apollos watered: but God gave the increase"(1 Corinthians 3:6)
1 Corinthians 3:1-7
Human endeavours will end in futility if God does not step in to bring the increase factor. It is essential that we do our part - work, sow, pray, give, etc.; but without God, it would all become efforts in futility.
Two metaphors are used to help us understand the complimentary ministries of Paul and Apollos. First, an agricultural metaphor, that depicts Paul as the one who scattered the seed and second, Apollos as the one who cared for it by watering it. But the increase; the growth is only from God
God gives the genuine increase. It is not acquired or earned by human qualifications or certifications; the devil does not give a genuine increase.
These days, many efforts are made to increase human abilities and efforts in every field of life. Since this is not bad in any way, more efforts should be made by believers in Christ to secure the hand of God in everything we do.
While addressing the Israelites in 1 Samuel 12:6 (K.JV): the Prophet Samuel said unto the people, it is the LORD that advanced Moses and Aaron, and brought your fathers up out of the land of Egypt. This shows that God was behind the leadership of Moses and Aaron, who terminated their 430 years of slavery in Egypt and established them as one of the strongest nations today. In what areas of your life do you seek or desire to increase? Turn to God. Do not be deceived by anyone or anything.
Any increase that would be , sustainable will come from God as the principal.
Heavenly Father, I acknowledge you as the only Source of genuine increase. Help me keep looking up to you in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen!
Genesis 14:14-18:8