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Sep 12th, 2022     charles Igwe
A PRAYER OF CONSECRATION - Evangel Pentecostal Church

Resolutions are good but somehow difficult or even impossible to keep.
It is always better for us to pray. And prayers that get to the Father’s throne will surely be answered.
Let us make this prayer to the Lord: “Oh Lord Jesus, this day I give myself anew to You. Take my life, I pray and use it for Your glory. Take my life, Oh Divine Master; let it be Thine alone.
Keep me from sinning or doing whatever will dishonour your name.
Make me teachable by the Holy Spirit, that I may go forward with Thee.
Do not allow me to remain always at the same level.
Let my motto be: “Let Him increase while I decrease.” May all glory be ascribed to Thee. Help me to always give you all the glory. Teach me to pray concerning all my decisions. How scared I am to lean on my own wisdom. “O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps” {Jeremiah 10:23}. Help me to die to the world, even to the favourable and the unfavourable opinions of those who are dear to me. Let my only goal be to satisfy the desires of Your heart.

Keep me from an evil tongue and a critical spirit. More than that, make my words edifying and profitable. Lead me too thirsty souls. Let me become, like You, a friend of sinners. Give me tears of compassion for the perishing. Oh my Lord, help me to see the multitude with Your eyes. Give me a compassionate heart for the sheep going sheep going astray. Let my love for You move me to love them. Lord Jesus, in whatever circumstance, preserve me from a bitter, cold and cynical attitude.
Direct me in the use of my resources. Help me to properly manage all that You entrust to my care. Remind me at every moment that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit: let this wonderful truth guide all my conduct.
Also, Lord Jesus, should this be a year of Your return, I am so eager to see You face to face and bow at Your feet in humble adoration.
Let this hope enlighten my heart all through the year to set me free from anything that could keep me back here on earth. Above all, Lord, Amen!
Come, Lord Jesus.


Prayer is an undeniable divine access a believer has, don't deprive yourself the opportunity to enjoy the fullness of God through powerlessness. 



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