Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come that they may lay hold on eternal life" (1 Timothy 6:19).
Matthew 7: 24-29
Building Engineers everywhere know that solid foundation is very essential in building. In countries where earthquakes occur regularly, the importance of a solid foundation can never be over-emphasized. It is the only reason why some buildings are not swept off under the torrent of earthquakes. But, those buildings without good and solid foundations are easily swept away. That is the reason why the Lord Jesus used the language of construction to teach us the wisdom of living and building on the solid foundation of God's Word, so that when we are shaken by lives' adversities and distresses, we do not allow the tempest to swallow us.
According to our text, we really need to lay solid foundation upon The Rock-Jesus, for our lives, families and children. The Christian man needs a good foundation for his family because the family is God's solution to problems of humanity. If the foundation of any family is solidly laid on the Rock, the parents and children grow to portray a good image of Christ to the entire world. The society at large will be a better and safer place to live in.
Beloved of God, please note that hearing or preaching the word of God is not enough bricks for the laying of the solid foundation.
The bricks for the foundation cannot be complete without the doing part of it. Many believers today concentrate more on the hearing and preaching of the Word and leave out the doing. But today, let it be known to all of us that the hearing and doing of the Word of the Master is what makes for a solid foundation.
Hearing and doing the word of God is what is required for laying a solid foundation in the Christian faith.
Oh Lord, help me to build a solid foundation that can withstand the storms and quakes of life
Genesis 27-29